Monday, July 16, 2012

not enough.

Chances are, none of you have actually seen One Tree Hill, or the episode this comes from. But that's beside the point. This is exactly how I feel right now.

Not good enough.

Not smart enough.

Not pretty enough.

Not skinny enough.

Not talented enough.

Not spiritual enough.

Simply not enough. Never enough.

And I don't know how to change that. But I feel completely stuck inside myself and unable to set myself free. I feel like I did 7 years ago, and that's definitely not something I ever want to relive.

I Miss You

I miss you guys sometimes. Don't get me wrong, my life has been essentially drama free (with a few mishaps) ever since I cut ties with you last year. Yes, it makes me sad when I think about high school or see these pictures, but that's only because we're not who we used to be. You've all changed, some of the things you've changed are ridiculous and everything you said you always hated and gave us crap for (video games, for one...) but other things are more life changing than that. And friendship changing. To the point where our friendship had to change.
Yes, I miss you. Some more than others. And some days more than others. I miss acting like idiots and acting like fools because to us, that was being cool. No one knows why, because looking back on it we really were just idiots. But those times are some of the best memories I've got. Some days I miss you. We did some weird stuff and we had some good times. But things have changed. I have changed, and for the better. I stick up for myself like I never did before. You taught me a lot, because I wasn't always happy then but at least I'm happy now.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


I am its Queen. A large portion of it isn't my fault this time though. I don't know when stuff needs to be turned in, or what for that matter. I also don't know what I'm even supposed to do for my internship, still have next to no information on it and I just have a lot of idiots as professors this term. Oh how I wish I could withdraw...
In the mean time, enjoy these wonderful pictures about procrastinating, simply because that's all I'm doing now.

Yup. That's basically how I'm feeling right now.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Vague-booking and Tweetseeking

Probably 2 of my biggest pet peeves. If you don't want people knowing about it, don't post it. If you're just going to say, "I don't want to talk about it," why did you say anything about it in the first place? My gosh. So annoying. Try getting some real attention from people instead of grasping and pathetic straws from people you (probably) don't even know very well. Because if they're actually good friends with you, you could simply text them or call them and ask for help. Or to rant. Or vent. Heaven forbid.