Monday, July 16, 2012

I Miss You

I miss you guys sometimes. Don't get me wrong, my life has been essentially drama free (with a few mishaps) ever since I cut ties with you last year. Yes, it makes me sad when I think about high school or see these pictures, but that's only because we're not who we used to be. You've all changed, some of the things you've changed are ridiculous and everything you said you always hated and gave us crap for (video games, for one...) but other things are more life changing than that. And friendship changing. To the point where our friendship had to change.
Yes, I miss you. Some more than others. And some days more than others. I miss acting like idiots and acting like fools because to us, that was being cool. No one knows why, because looking back on it we really were just idiots. But those times are some of the best memories I've got. Some days I miss you. We did some weird stuff and we had some good times. But things have changed. I have changed, and for the better. I stick up for myself like I never did before. You taught me a lot, because I wasn't always happy then but at least I'm happy now.


Kori said...

Yeah, it's hard to be 1200 miles away from everyone you loved so much. It's got to be even harder to live in the same city and still be so far away.

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