My lovely friend Megan (Meghan? I just don't know how to spell her name anymore) tagged me in this. It was a flashback to Jr. High when we lived on MSN and emailed on Sunday's. The number of these personal question fill-er-outer things we did were ridiculous. Those 100 Reasons You're My Best Friend forwards? Yes, we did those. I see we're both still the same with our narcissism and it shall forever live on. Also, I love procrastinating, and I should really be doing homework, but I'm so stressed I simply don't care right now.
This is supposed to be for bloggers with less than 200 followers. I have nine... so uh, you do the math!
Each person must post 11 things about themselves.
Answer the questions the nominator asked,
and create 11 questions for your nominees to answer.
Choose 11 people and link them in your post.
Go to their page and tell them.
No tag-backs.
(I'll be honest, I'm not going to nominate people, simply because most blogs I follow are well over 200 or they've already done this, and as it says, no tag-backs. But hey, why not answer the questions myself?)
11 Things About Me
1. I don't actually want to graduate in Family Studies next April. I didn't realize that until this last month or so that I definitely picked the wrong major and should have gone in the arts. Unfortunately that's not really an option any longer as I only have 11 credits left to graduate, only 6 of which are major credits...
2. I play a few instruments; piano, cello and violin. I'm not amazing at any of them, but I can definitely play a thing or two. Sadly I only own a violin, even though I prefer the other two. I miss the cello most.
3. I enjoy writing. A lot. I don't, however, enjoy being forced to write. College is the worst for that. And NaNoWriMo is killing me.
4. I am kind of obsessed with NCIS. I blame my mom, who introduced me to the show.
5. My dream job would be a writer, doing the art for the cover of my own book, and creating all of the trinkets/charms from said books to sell to the fans while dressed up in the costumes of how I pictured my "favorite" or more personable characters. Maybe one day.
6. I would love to do a Cosplay for Legend of Zelda, Avatar: The Last Airbender/Legend of Korra, Pokemon and Mistborn (half-check!). There are probably more, but I'm half asleep right now and can't think straight. Really, I aspire to be like Li, aka PikminLink. Her main site is, but my favorite cosplay is this:
So epic. This is cosplay at its finest. |
7. If you couldn't tell, I'm a nerd at heart. Books, video games, TV shows etc. There's a reason I have a shop, called The Nerd Niche, over on Etsy. By the way, you should go check it out:
8. I am a people pleaser. I don't like disappointing people who expect so much from me. But I'm ridiculously insecure and think I'm always disappointing someone. I'm pretty sure I always am. Let's just say there's a reason I'm graduating in Family Studies and not something else which is much more appealing to me. I would rather please others so much so that I'm doing that instead of following my dreams. Go figure.
8. I love doing my nails. Had you told me that 7 years ago I would have told you you're nuts. But it's become quite the hobby for me.
9. While I generally enjoy socializing with people, I really enjoy being alone more, most of the time. I like being able to do my own thing, snuggling up with my adorable husband, reading a good book or making new crafty and artistic things. Winter is great for these things. It's probably the only reason I "like" winter.
10. I have found recently that I get frustrated with others very easily. I get tired of people who get defensive quickly for things that aren't a big deal and attack others unnecessarily and like being trolls.
11. I get hurt very easily. Contrary to a lot people's thoughts about me, I'm not actually strong-willed at all. I just don't like blowing up on people if I can help it. Little (even slightly) negative comments stick with me for a very long time and I let it fester and grow and destroy me. It's a problem. I'm working on it.
Meg's Questions:
Do you ever wear socks to sleep?
Sometimes. Frequently in winter. Every other season? Never.
If you could do anything right now, what would it be?
Drop out of school, become more active on Etsy and business savvy, do cosplay's and be a mom.
What is your most irrational fear?
Spiders. And heights. Neither are completely irrational though, right?
What do you wish you could make money doing?
Writing , arts and crafts.
What truly seduces you? (eg: poetry, a man playing guitar, gifts, etc.)
A genuinely happy and nice man.
What color of nail polish do you always come back to?
I don't really have a color. Design though, would be galaxy nails. So I guess black.
If you could spend the day with any famous individual, who would it be?
Mark Harmon, aka Leroy Jethro Gibbs from NCIS. Or the Hemsworth brothers.
What is the story of your biggest heart break?
My boyfriend broke up with me because his best friend didn't like me in high school. He ended up dating me again 6 months later and eventually marrying me anyway. Gratefully. His best friend also doesn't hate me anymore (bonus!).
What is your guilty pleasure T.V. show?
One Tree Hill. I hate you and love you all at the same time.
What do you hope your life will be like in ten years?
I'll be a mom of some wonderful kids, working from home doing nerdy things and living at least some of my dreams.
Do you eat fast or slow?
Medium? I don't think I'm either really. Depends on who I'm with.
That's all I got. I guess I should post my own questions for the random people who decide to follow my lead.
What's your favorite band?
What is the best gift you ever received?
What is your most embarrassing moment?
What are the 5 most played songs on your iPod?
What is your biggest pet peeve?
When was the last time you just meditated?
Who is your favorite author?
What is the first thing you do when you wake up?
If you could do anything, knowing you wouldn't fail, what would it be?
What's your favorite sugary substance?
What social media do you prefer most?
That's all I got. I really need to go to bed now.
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