Monday, March 5, 2012


Sometimes it's good and healthy to purge something.
Like facebook friends.
Moses, that has caused me so much drama a number of times. It's kinda ridiculous.
But honestly, when I don't talk to you ever, don't hang out with you ever, and haven't seen you in forever, I don't really feel bad.
We're not even real life friends, let alone fake friends.
Sure, there are those who I only talk to occasionally.
And the ones where really, I just like to stalk their photos, or their craft, or enjoy their views on things because they're intriguing. 
But honestly, 95% of those people aren't any of those. 
And thus they are purged. 
And it feels so good. 
I don't know why.
Honestly, it doesn't really make sense.
But it does. 
It's kinda like when you go through your room when you're moving out for the first time and you finally are able to get rid of all this C R A P you've been storing up for years.
Who knows why.
And when you do, it's great. 
You feel refreshed, and all is well.
That's how it felt when getting rid of over 200 friends my first purge.
And another 50 this last one.
Among the other few mini purges I've been doing over the last year. 
It's a great feeling to be refreshed. I play to continue purging things and people in my life frequently from now on.
Important people will stay. Important items, recipes, photos etc.
But the space wasters are going to be gone. 
And somehow, the thought of this makes me happy.


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