Wednesday, April 11, 2012


My friend put this perfectly. In regard to text messages, I couldn't have said it better myself.

"When engaged in a conversation via text message, I do my best not to give one-worded answers. For example,
"Hey, I forgot to tell you I have to get my appendix out in a few hours, so I don't think we can hang out tonight.."
Oh? Oh? I just told you I'm getting an ORGAN (however superfluous of an organ it may be) removed from my body and all you have to say on the matter is, "Oh?" If I were the person on the other end of the conversation, my reply would have been something like, " gosh! Why didn't you tell me this sooner?? Of course you can't hang out tonight! Do you have anyone to take you and pick you up from the hospital? Are you going to need sweat pants? Ice cream? How is your blood pressure? Is that relevant? What can I do?"

Even more so, I avoid giving one-lettered answers. I mean, what is that? Don't you realize answering someone's text with, "k," is REALLY RUDE? What are they supposed to gather from that response? Thanks to you, they're going to spend the rest of their day dissecting your last conversation trying to figure out what they did to deserve such a cold and empty reply, not to mention they'll be exhausted from keeping the conversation going all on their own. The least you could do is send some sort of endearing emoticon with it. That is acceptable. Though just barely."

Thank you Meghan, for pointing out what I feel SHOULD be the obvious.

PS Yes, this place is still under construction. I've been busy. Get off my back.


Kori said...

I agree totally with this, being an avid text message talker, I hate it when people say something like "K." Especially after I've said something I'd like feedback from.

"Hey did you get the basket of fruit I left you in the office?"
"...are you feeling better?"

No thank you? No, "Oh man thanks I loved the fruit, I'm feeling quite better!" No, none of that. Yup, and Yea.

- True story.

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