Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Red and Dark Brown

A lot of people prefer long hair. Especially females, it seems, though frequently men will comment on how they prefer women with long hair as well. So it might seem weird for me to say I hate it. Not on other people, though. Just on myself.

This was my 2nd to last year of EFY. It was a good year. It wasn't for my hair. Though, I must say, it's doing better things than my hair in other pictures at this time period. The point is, I just don't like it. I don't like having to do my hair and spend WAY too much time on it. I also don't like how it looks when I do do (yeah, I said it. Laugh.) it, most of the time. So I decided to chop it off.

Chop off a few inches, add some dark brown and red and there you have it.
I like it a lot :) 


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