I've come to the conclusion that I'm super odd when it comes to judging males attractiveness.
No really.
In looking at who I find attractive in Hollywood and who I think is hideous, it's generally safe to say that I am against the norm. Let's start with every girls werewolf love fantasy:
Seriously girls? What's wrong with your taste? Not to be rude, but have you seen the size of his nose? I mean really. I know I don't have the smallest nose in the world, but pu-lease. It's nothing like that monstrosity up there. He's attractive, how? Please, enlighten me. Maybe I'm just weird because I don't find a whole ton of muscle attractive...
Then there's the piratey elven "goodness." Legolas, Will Turner, Orlando Bloom... Really?
First off, what is with that hair?
And again with the nose. Awkward and pointy. Though, not as wide as wolf-boy.
Then there's good old Tom Cruise. Notice the emphasis.
And let's be honest. He's no George Clooney.
The years have not been good to him.
Ok no, but really. This:
Not attractive. Again with the nose! Pointy and bumpy and lumpy.
Not to mention he's kind of a dirt bag.
But don't get me started on that...
And then there is the wonderful Brad Pitt.
Wonderful? How about gagful.
There is nothing to appreciate here:
Your options are Bradin Pitt (the closest name possible for a girl, because just look at him), Brad Pedo-Pitt or Smoker Pitt.
All of which sound lovely, don't they?
What a winner.
What a looker!
This list could basically go on forever...
Zac Effron, Justin Beiber, Ryan Gosling...
But I won't bore you.
There is no one better.
And yes, he is a video game character.
And I'm proud of it ^_^
Blue eyes, awesome build, awesome character. Pure win.
Blue eyes, awesome build, awesome character. Pure win.
Yay for being a nerd. Woo!
And for, frankly, having the hottest guy in the world as a husband anyway ^_^
Despite the lack of blue eyes and blonde hair. I still got a win.
Hands down.
Despite the lack of blue eyes and blonde hair. I still got a win.
Hands down.
So... you're saying you wish Doug were Christopher? Cuz I won with the blue eyes, blond hair combo. ^____^
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